The research group entitled "Transnational Flows" focuses on hemispheric encounter encounters and exchange processes and particularly highlights aspects of medialization and cultural politics at stake. Against the background of the historic geopolitical interconnectedness of the Americas, which has long been characterized by asymmetric conditions since the European conquest as well as the legacy of colonialism and the transnational slave trade, this project line examines trans-American mobility within the changed dynamics of a neo-liberal state of crisis, and accelerating transnational processes of migration, production and communication.
The researchers involved explore which asymmetries and inequalities are generated or amplified in these processes, but also the potential for resistance that cultural and medial artifacts or actions provide under these conditions, and the opportunities to negotiate they reveal beyond narrowly drawn national, identitarian or ethnic boundaries.
// Research Group Director
Neue Medien - fortbestehende Ungleichheiten Transamerikanische Politiken von Gender und Race im Cyberspace und Queer-of-Diaspora HipHop
Social Networks and Migratory Routes in Mexico
Postkoloniale Verortungen und narrative Konstruktion des Bösen in den Amerikas: zur Verräumlichungen einer Kategorie in hispanoamerikanischen "plantation narratives" der Moderne
Lexikalische Migration über Raum und Zeit: Die Sprache der Jamaikaner in Kanada
"Geopolitical Imaginaries" are of particular importance in historical periods in which territorial concepts are challenged, replaced or superimposed with the new. Of particular interest here are the community-building effects of geopolitical imaginaries as well as their strategic use in political disputes surrounding the shaping of the future in the Americas. Taking the example of urban violence, national borders and multinational spaces, these researchers explore how transborder or fluctuating concepts of space are made politically manageable, economically profitable and are culturally processed using geopolitical imaginaries.
Research Group Director
Urbane Gewalt im Andenraum und in den USA im 20. Jahrhundert
Project Coordinator:
Die Transnationalisierung der guatemaltekischen Pfingst-Kirchen in den USA
Religiöse Beziehungsverflechtungen in einer stratifizierten Welt
Project Coordinator:
Die Rolle der Sowjetunion im Diskurs des argentinischen Peronismus (1943-1976)
Versuche der interamerikanischen Neuordnung nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg
Project Coordinator:
Integrative Verwertung einer Grenze?
Die Staatengrenze zwischen den USA und Kanada in der Metropolregion Detroit-Windsor als gemeinsam genutzte lokale ökonomische Ressource
Project Coordinator:
Emphasizing Identity or Multilateral Cooperation in the Polar Regions
Does Climate Change provoke a Transformation of the Political Relation between the Circumpolar Argentina, Canada, Chile and USA?
Project Coordinator:
The problematic interrelations and links between the environment and social development represent one of the most pressing problems in the Americas. Therefore the focus of this group are, on the one hand, the transnational processes of environmental appropriation and transformation and, on the other hand, the repercussions of natural disasters and the environment on the entangled Americas. To what extent does the environment contribute to the constitution of a transnationally-entangled space--an environment physically altered, constructed and appropriated by the media, law, economy and politics? The individual projects in this group explore the societal perceptions of the relationship between man and nature as well as so-called natural disasters, conflicts over the proliferation of plants and animals within the entangled space of the Americas and how these issues are evaluated from social, political, legal and biological perspectives.
Research Group Director
Sozial-ökologische Konflikte um die Inwertsetzung von Natur in Zentralamerika zwischen Umweltschutz und "green grabbing"
Project Coordinator:
Social and Spatial Interpretations of Hazards in the Caribbean
Perus Umstrittenes Konsultationsgesetz im Kontext von Indigenen Moblisierungen und Ressourcenkonflikten im Amazon
Project Coordinator:
The Relation Between the Settlement of the Americas and its Influence on the Native Flora
Project Coordinator: